Gallagher Cabinets are secure enclosures for the safe and precise hosting of Gallagher Controllers and I/O Devices.

Gallagher Cabinets are designed to house multiple Gallagher products. There are two cabinet sizes available, accommodating either one or two printed circuit board (PCB) footprints. Mounting options allow combinations of various PCB types to be installed.

Technical spec sheets

Gallagher Cabinet

Manufactured from a stong polycarbonate/ABS plastic alloy, the Gallagher Cabinet has a UL94 flame rating of HB. It provides one footprint for Gallagher Controllers and LOCAL BUS I/O PCBs. When a PCB is installed, optical tamper protection is provided for both the front and the rear.

One cabinet houses any one of the following options:

  • 1x Gallagher Controller
  • 1x Gallagher 4H, 8H, 4R or 8R Module
  • 1x Gallagher I/O Interface
  • 1x Gallagher Relay Interface
  • 1x Gallagher Reader I/O Interface
  • 2x Gallagher Universal Reader Interfaces
  • 2x Gallagher Strike Controllers
  • 1x Gallagher High Density I/O Interface (a second Gallagher High Density I/O Interface can be installed in a single cabinet using standoffs).

A variation of the Gallagher Cabinet is available for the Gallagher GBUS I/O Accessories.

Gallagher Dual Cabinet

The Gallagher Dual Cabinet is a secure steel enclosure accommodating two footprints, doubling the housing capacity for any combination of Gallagher PCBs. When the PCB is installed, optical tamper protection is provided for both the front and rear of the Cabinet. The Cabinet is also available with an optional 8 Amp power supply which has visible indicators for ‘low mains’ and ‘low battery’ power monitoring. A separate mounting plate and tamper board is available to enable Gallagher GBUS I/O Devices (excluding the Gallagher High Density I/O Interface) to be fitted with optical tamper protection.

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